The first stop is Goreme Panorama where you will have a complete view of Göreme valley and Göreme village: fairy chimneys, rock formations and cave houses. You will be also given the general information about Cappadocia at that first stop. Next we will drive to Derinkuyu Underground City, one of the best preserved and deepest underground cities in Cappadocia. Derinkuyu is 55 meters deep and has 8 levels open to visitors. After spending about 1 hour in Derinkuyu Underground City, we will drive to Ihlara Valley which is a 16 km long canyon and both sides are lined with rock carved churches. We will have a 3 km hike and visit one of the cave churches in Ihlara Valley. At the end of the walk, lunch will be served at Belisirma Village at a river by restaurant. After lunch we will visit Selime Monastery, carved out of the rock by Christian monks in the 13th century. The size of the church makes a visit here astonishing. The last stop of the day is a picture stop over the Pigeon Valley.

Tour Itinerary

• Goreme Panorama
• Underground City
• Ihlara Valley (4 Km Walking.)
• Belisirma Village
• Lunch
• Selime Monestary
• Pigeon Valley
• Onyx Workshop

Please contact us at to arrange your  Green Tour